. . . . . . . . . . .  In today's world,  trees are not given much importance and they are being cut day by day . .🙁
Trees provide us oxygen which help humans to respire ☺️. . . . Trees take off the carbon dioxide which is considered harmful for human beings.
Trees help humans in many ways other than providing oxygen like It provide shade in summer☀️☀️ as well in rain. . . . 🌧️🌧️ and many more things which helps humans 🙂! ! ! ! ! ! 
The world today follow the way of development 🕍🚄🛣️. . . And for this development, he is cutting off the trees ⛏️⛏️ and by doing that he is strucking himself in problems of global warming🌏, pollution , no rain☁️☁️ etc . . 
Friend's have you ever observed that when you travel by a road which have trees on boths side🛣️ you feel fresh and active that's the magic of trees. . . . 
Image result for save trees save life photos
Trees are beautiful and useful gifts of nature. Trees are great friends of men. Trees give us flowers, fruits, timber, bamboo, fuels, etc. We can rest under the cool shade of a tree. We get wood from the trees to make furniture, doors, windows, etc. 
Importance of Trees: Trees are a part and parcel of earthly life. All life directly or indirectly owes its existence to them.
  • Trees release oxygen which we need for our life. They also absorb the carbon-dioxide.
  • Many living species live in trees. Trees form the natural habitat of many animals, birds and insects.
  • Trees help make the land fertile. We get good crops out of fertile land.
  • They are the sources of the fruits and flowers.
  • They offer us cool shade during summer.
  • During rainy season, we take shelter under the trees.
  • Trees and plants are the sources of many supply life-saving drugs.
  • They prevent land erosion and guard us against pollution. Thus, trees keep up the ecological balance.
  • Trees protect us from inclement wind also.
  • Seeds, nuts and fruits are food sources for humans and animals.                                             SO FRIENDS "SAVE TREES AND SAVE EARTH";                                                                                                     THANK YOU


  1. Yes... Trees are very important in our life.... ☺️☺️
    Great work pranav!!!!!!!

    1. Truely said trees act as a lifeline for we human beings

  2. Very good dude!!!!
    It is really informative

  3. Yes really true...
    everyone should think about it .


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